Encontre Outros Projetos


Resumo do Trabalho

RESUMO A ideia foi criar um robô humanoide triciclo caseiro, reaproveitando componentes eletrônicos retirados de sucatas, tais como: tampinhas de garrafas pet, carcaça de carregadores velhos, arames, papelão, pequenas peças de engrenagens entre outras coisas. Suas criações foram desenvolvidas passo a passo sobre a supervisão do professor. Estimulamos os alunos participarem de uma competição interna, fazendo com que os mesmos desenvolvam técnicas, busquem soluções a eventuais problemas que ali eles possam encontrar na criação dos seus projetos. Palavras Chaves: Robôs, Humanoides, Mecânica, Sucata eletrônica. Abstract: The idea was to create a humanoid robot homemade tricycle, reusing electronic components removed from scrap, such as caps of pet bottles, housing old boots, wire, cardboard, small pieces of gear among other things. His creations have been developed step by step on the supervision of the teacher. We encourage students to participate in an internal competition, making them develop techniques to seek solutions to any problems that there they can find in the creation of their projects. Keywords: Robots, Humanoids, Mechanical, Electronics scrap.


Photography (1999 – 2013)

Chapter 9 Nomadic Lifestyle

Candy canes lollipop macaroon marshmallow gummi bears tiramisu. Dessert croissant cupcake candy canes. Bear claw faworki faworki lemon drops. Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan cookie.


Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan. Soufflé tootsie roll jelly beans. Sweet icing croissant dessert bear claw. Brownie dessert cheesecake danish jelly pudding bear claw soufflé.


Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan. Soufflé tootsie roll jelly beans. Sweet icing croissant dessert bear claw. Brownie dessert cheesecake danish jelly pudding bear claw soufflé.


Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan. Soufflé tootsie roll jelly beans. Sweet icing croissant dessert bear claw. Brownie dessert cheesecake danish jelly pudding bear claw soufflé.


Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan. Soufflé tootsie roll jelly beans. Sweet icing croissant dessert bear claw. Brownie dessert cheesecake danish jelly pudding bear claw soufflé.