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Resumo do Trabalho

RESUMO Consiste em um carrinho ?robô? de força, criado por componentes de sucata, tais como: pneus de carrinhos velhos, fios, materiais recicláveis, juntamente com outros materiais tais como: motores de caixa de engrenagens e baterias. Ao criarmos esses projetos, elaboramos uma competição de cabo de guerra. A competição consiste em uma uma batalha de força entre dois carrinhos, considerando que os mesmos estão em cima de uma arena ou plataforma. Os carrinhos estão conectados a um cabo associado a um controle remoto, onde o oponente terá que arrastar seu adversário para fora da arena. Palavras Chaves: Robô, Sucata, Competição, Carrinho e Cabo de Guerra. Abstract: It consists of a basket "robot" force created by scrap components, such as old tires carts, wire, recycled materials together with other materials such as gearsmotors battery box. By creating these projects, we prepared a tug of war competition. The competition consists of a a power battle between two carts, considering that they are on top of an arenaplatform. The cars are connected to a cable associated with a remote control, where the opponent will have to drag your opponent out of the arena. Keywords: Robot, Scrap, Competition, StandCable War.


Photography (1999 – 2013)

Chapter 9 Nomadic Lifestyle

Candy canes lollipop macaroon marshmallow gummi bears tiramisu. Dessert croissant cupcake candy canes. Bear claw faworki faworki lemon drops. Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan cookie.


Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan. Soufflé tootsie roll jelly beans. Sweet icing croissant dessert bear claw. Brownie dessert cheesecake danish jelly pudding bear claw soufflé.


Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan. Soufflé tootsie roll jelly beans. Sweet icing croissant dessert bear claw. Brownie dessert cheesecake danish jelly pudding bear claw soufflé.


Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan. Soufflé tootsie roll jelly beans. Sweet icing croissant dessert bear claw. Brownie dessert cheesecake danish jelly pudding bear claw soufflé.


Faworki marzipan sugar plum jelly-o marzipan. Soufflé tootsie roll jelly beans. Sweet icing croissant dessert bear claw. Brownie dessert cheesecake danish jelly pudding bear claw soufflé.